Pre-Service Instructions
1) Check your schedule. Getting tattooed before traveling, surgery, sun exposure, playing various sports, or participating in other activities might hinder your ability to care for your tattoo properly. You cannot get a tattoo over a recent sunburn. Be sure to get a good night’s sleep beforehand!
2) Be sure to eat a meal (not a light snack) approximately one to two hours before getting a tattoo. Having stable blood sugar levels is very important to having less stress during your procedure. Bring a small snack or drink to keep your sugars stable.
3) Do not drink alcohol the night before or the day of your tattoo, and avoid caffeine in order to prevent heavy bleeding during your procedure. Don’t take aspirin, ibuprofen, or blood thinners prior to your tattoo appointment.
4) Wear loose-fitting clothing that provides easy access to the area that will be worked on. Don’t wear clothing that you really care about to get tattooed in. Ink can splatter and may get on you and your clothes.
Dress for the area getting tattooed - you may have to remove clothing to properly align your stencil and get tattooed.
5) Please be aware of your personal hygiene. Come in freshly showered if possible, wear deodorant, and brush your teeth since you may be near your artist for a long period of time.
6) If you bring multiple guests with you, they will be asked to remain in the lobby so there aren’t any distractions during the tattooing process and to prevent a crowded work area. One (1) guest per client is allowed in the tattooing area to prevent congestion.
7) You may have sensitivities or reactions to pigments, inks, metals, latex, adhesive, and other materials during the tattooing process. Tattoo ink/pigment spot testing or a consultation with a dermatologist (prior to application) may be recommended. Please notify your artist of any and all allergies prior to your procedure.
8) Feel free to bring some entertainment. As long as it isn't interfering or distracting, bringing a book or headphones may be a good idea.
Any negative reactions or infections cannot be foreseen prior to the procedure. Please follow all aftercare instructions. You will be required to sign a release form prior to receiving a tattoo. You can find that here.
Please fill out the release form on the day of your tattoo appointment.